Thinking Errors Pt. I
This is the first installment of a 4-part series on common thinking errors that we exhibit during our everyday lives. Simply put,...
God vs. LGBT
Who doesn’t love a good controversy? Everyone loves some controversy every now and then. There have been so many topics that have had...
Dear Self,
There comes a point in every person’s life where they reflect on choices that they have made. This letter is a part of my reflection and...
POETRY: An Angel's Last Wish
I very, very seldom do romantic poems, or even love stories. I usually shy away from such topics or look at my brother from another...
Do You First
"You need to help you first." Constantly playing "Mr-and-Mrs-Fix-It" for others can be stressful on all ends of the spectrum, from...
You say you’re shocked with my decision, To move on and start living, Sick of being overwhelmed with feelings of inadequacy, Alienating...
The Golden Rule
Good, succesful people all have a rule they follow... The Golden Rule... "Treat others as you wish to be treated". There are many rules...
DBT Aromatherapy
DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) is an advanced derivation of Cognitive Behavior Therapy, that was originally developed to treat people...