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Dear Self,

Photographer Unknown. Meditation By The Sea. Dec. 11, 2015

There comes a point in every person’s life where they reflect on choices that they have made. This letter is a part of my reflection and self-realization of my own worth. It is so important for us to tell our daughters about their worth. Otherwise, they will succumb to the lies of the world and end up self-destructing. Fortunately for me, I was able to wake up before it was too late. This letter helps me to release my past and it can also help others.


Dear Me,

I know that you have always wanted to be popular, beautiful, and successful. You didn’t have your dad around to keep you on your game and tell you about all the tactics boys use to get inside your head. You went through things that made you feel like no one loved you, not even God. You made so many wrong choices in men, and women, and you did it all for the same reason: You didn’t think that you deserved any better.

You chose to be with “Real niggas” because you didn’t think that any “Real men” would want you because you were beneath them. On the inside, you felt that you deserved better and that you were destined for greatness. But still you ignored those feelings and instead listened to the words of those around you, especially those you dated. Because of how you felt about yourself, you continued to allow people to mistreat you.

Well I’m here to tell you that your inner voice is right! You ARE destined for greatness! It doesn’t matter if your dad wasn’t there, or if no one loves you, or if the boys don’t flock to you! There will ALWAYS be at least one person who loves you no matter what and that person is God!

Photographer Unknown. Scent Oils. Dec. 11, 2015

God loves you so much and those words of encouragement you keep hearing are coming from him. SO wake up! It’s okay to be alone. Develop a relationship with HIM first and everything else will follow. You can save yourself a lot of future heartache if you start learning to be alone now. Being alone allows you to learn yourself and determine what you want to do in life. Forgive the people who hurt you and most importantly, forgive yourself for everything you’ve done.

Stop being embarrassed about your mistakes and your past. It made you stronger and it helped mold you into the beautiful, intelligent person that you are. You have to get this right or else you will waste more years of your life chasing a feeling from a man or from friends and you’ll keep ending up empty because only God’s love can fill that void in your heart. Stop showing your body off and respect yourself. Speak with class and start looking yourself in the mirror every day and telling yourself positive things. DO all of this and I promise you, God will grant you the amazing blessing you deserve.

Until next time,

Your Future Self

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