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Welcome To S.U.M!

Mission Statement:

S.U.M's mission is to accelerate our voices, dedication to quality, to deliver authentic content for every walk of life. We will not only reach you, we will move you.

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S.U.M will soon have open advertising slots for our fellow small business owners and entrepreneurs. Please visit the "Services" tab from the main menu for more details.

Entrepreneur Interviews

S.U.M's Entrepreneur Interviews spans across every professional endeavor from the new small business owner to the aspiring musican.  We understand the importance of gaining exposure for your work. Visit the "Contact" tab to schedule your spotlight interview today.

Freelancing Services

S.U.M's family consists of experienced writers who are also Self-Published Authors and Freelance Writers capable of exceeding your expectations by tailoring quality service to your specific needs.  Visit the "Services" tab for more details. 

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The photo gallery above displays several S.U.M interviewees; from aspiring musicians to accomplished writers and artists. 


You'll also find self-published books from several S.U.M writers, as well as an ON LOCATION photo at Washington D.C's, Library of Congress Book Festival, and a glimpse at our quaint, St. Louis, MO office.



"You don't need a New Year's Resolution to achieve something... All you need is a determined mind."

"Aspects of Intimacy" {Iss.#3 -Jan. 2016}


S.U.M works diligently to remain connected with our readers and our communities. One way we achieve this is by presenting special video features such as; Live Interviews ~ On Location Specials ~ Behind The Scenes (BTS) Specials. Rather than talk about it... just take a look!

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