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What Is Spirituality?

Artist/Creator Unk. Title Unk. Dec. 23, 2015

Spirituality is the moment that comes in all our lives when we embark on a journey to find the meaning of God’s peace and how it applies to us personally, or how we could apply it to our lives. This is usually during a period of constant struggle, depression, or hardship when we feel we can no longer endure or single-handedly combat these burdens, and all our efforts have been exhausted. It’s at this point that we start thinking outside our normal realm of ‘rationale’ and explore other options that ordinarily wouldn’t be taken into consideration. Spirituality begins with a changed mindset; that no matter how hard this journey becomes, we won’t allow ourselves to stray off course and relapse under the belief that as long as God sees our honest efforts, he won’t allow us to fail. Spirituality is our personal atonement with God and the path we take to achieve it. It’s a resurgence of faith and hope in God to obtain peace in life.

We all want to be happy in life, especially if we've been unhappy much longer than we care to remember. Regardless of what Faith yo claim; Buddhism, Hinduism, Catholic, Mormon, Christian, Islamic/Muslim, etc... Your religion/faith has taught you that peace cannot be ascertained without faithfulness to God. And for some time in life, we honestly believe we can do it all on our own, until we reach the beginning of our journey. This is whe we realize Spirituality requires a commitment ans sillingness to become mentally, physicall, and spiritually health. We go about his in a numver of ways; some of us return to church, some start reading the Bible or Holy Quran, while others may begin praying more often, and yet, another percentage partake in a combination of these things. We do this because we soon learn; it's that spiritual healthiness that'll ultimately lead to our happiness.

Spirituality is a serene, God-fearing, rejuvenation of life. Spirituality is a positive growth and pursuit of happiness in life. Spirituality is a peaceful, successful life. Spirituality is a person’s, lifelong relationship with God. Spirituality is a growth of mental strength, a deductible of the ultimate ‘Life insurance’ policy. Spirituality is a necessity of life; the key to gaining and keeping the truly valuable things in life such as; love and family, and an understanding relationship with God. Spirituality is God’s peace.

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