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Do You First

Van, Thomas. Unknown Title. 12-2-2015.

"You need to help you first."

Constantly playing "Mr-and-Mrs-Fix-It" for others can be stressful on all ends of the spectrum, from finance to romance; it can really wear you thin. If this sounds familiar, and you're in this position, ask yourself something... "Who's going to take care of you if you're the person that takes care of everyone else?" If you're not good, they're not good, right?

I've been in this role several times; trying to help others before addressing my own woes... it's a very difficult predicament to be placed in. Through first-hand experience, I've found it best to ensure you're fully capable of offering or providing a favor to someone without needing one in return. This doesn't mean don't do someone a favor if you're going to encounter a little difficulty... just be prepared and willing to accept the results and unexpected circumstances that may arise from your decision. Remember to always help and provide a favor because it's truly in your heart to do so. Never abuse your position as the provider... even though you may have your affairs currently in order, you never know when you'll need a favor. How many times have we seen a bully become the bullied?

Hyvonen, Hannes. Title Unknown. 12-2-2015.

When you provide a favor, you have a degree of "power" over the person you're helping... DO NOT abuse this position. Remember, we all need a helping hand at one point or another, but for some sick reason people are drawn to "power" and feel the need to rule over others. What, in a man makes him want to rule over another. Power can possibly be the most dangerous thing to given to a person. Power changes people's perception on virtually everything. This is another reason, you should always tend to your personal matters first and foremost, to ensure you're standing above ground. Oftentimes, to achieve this, despite how desperately you may want to help someone, you have to know when to say, "No," espeically if saying "yes" will hurt you even more.

Being able to do for yourself does gives you a good feeling. Being able to help others gives you an overwhelmingly great vibe , but letting people down feels horrible, so we strive not to. But what about the times you do let them down. What about the times you find yourself falling short while trying to make someone's life better as your own situation getting worse? These are just a few things to hold close and be mindful of. Don't bite off more than you can chew. You should always help others, just make sure you're not abusing your ability to do so, and that you're not hurting yourself by doing so.

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