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The Golden Rule

Creator/Artist Unknown. Title Unknown. Dec. 4, 2015

Good, succesful people all have a rule they follow... The Golden Rule... "Treat others as you wish to be treated". There are many rules made to be bent, and at time, broken; but if there's one rule that should remain as it is, it's The Golden Rule! No matter what your religious views or morals; we all should take care of one another, good care, because afterall... "What goes around comes around." Wouldn't it be nice to have what comes around be something good?

There's always a way to make someone's day or time better. The more you treat people kindly, the more kind people come your way! Now you'll still have to shake off a few of the unkind, but after doingso; you'll find them few-and-far-between. Awaken to the infinite possibilities of simply being positive and believing in self.

Photographer Unknown. Handshake. Dec 4, 2015

Take interest in the world... society... the people of today's society, and how everyone comes together; it's astonishing. Come to understand; when one has true and good intention, then one receives good fortune. Become obligated through blessings received to help others so that they too can receive their blessings. This practice can change one's perception of the world... change one's mindset to recognizing great things and feats are attainable simply by believing in, and practicing goodness.

Take a moment and notice how the most wealthy and beautiful people are usually kind, generous, sweet, polite and prosperous. Granted, there's always a percentage that obtained wealth by vile acts, but they typically don't sustain their status for long. These people are generally more miserable in life and borderline depressive, despite their wealth. When someone appreciates life, they appreciate nature and the people within their immediate environment and respect their surroundings. Respect leads to a lengthy journey of great promise with admiration for the road traveled, time spent, and experienced gained. As it has been shown, there are many factors that contribute to following The Golden Rule. It has also been shown that by doingso, nothing is a waste and there's a lesson in everything. Always remember... Karma is very real, and the universe is watching.

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