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Photographer Unknown. Vampire Bite. Dec. 3, 2015

You say you’re shocked with my decision,

To move on and start living,

Sick of being overwhelmed with feelings of inadequacy,

Alienating myself from everyone because you had me fooled,

Thinking people would see me as inferior the way you did,

And why did I think that, you ask?

Because you violated my heart in the worst way,

You knew I was feeling empty and vulnerable,

Yet with your intimate words,

You made me optimistic about life and the future with you,

Us against the world, Bonnie and Clyde. . .


But something changed, we were no longer a team,

We were more like Ike and Tina,

Yet, I felt so worthless, insignificant,

I made myself believe,

That I was the problem,

So I tried to fix myself for you,

That just caused more damage because I was spending so much time,

Trying to find out what was wrong with me,

But it was you!

So you ask me now, “Why are you so angry?"

"What did I do that was so bad?”

And I’m like... ‘he can’t be serious’. . .



I’ll tell you why I’m so infuriated!

You’ve done so many detestable things,

To tear me down; mentally, physically, emotionally,

Saying things like you made me, or no one will want me,

Or being physical as if the words weren’t enough,

Leaving me feeling powerless and resentful,

Because of all that wasted time,

But then again I’m inspired. . .


I know my own strength now,

I know my worth,

I’m no longer insecure, depressed, withdrawn,

Just hopeful, courageous, and liberated,

Knowing that there was a reason for all the pain,

So yeah,

I guess you could say you made me,

Made me into a better woman, that is,

So that the NEXT man can appreciate all I have to give,

So when you start telling “your story” and all that happened,

Tell the truth ‘cause you’re not fooling anyone,

So, sweetheart. . .

Get The Fuck Outta Here!

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