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Tap Into Motivation

Photographer RN Productions. Title Unk. Dec. 23, 2015

Do you wake up and go to bed everyday feeling sluggish, drained, and tired? It's a never-ending cycle, right? The worst part is, you don't know how to overcome this rut. You've tried everything; multi-vitamins, coffee, going to bed early, exercising, but nothing seems to work, right?

One approach is to spend a day somewhere peaceful, such as a nearby park. Take a sheet of paper and a pen along, and spend the time reflecting on all aspects of your life. Write down everything you do a daily basis. Then, write down everything you want to do, this will create your "To Do" list. As you study everything you've written, you'll begin to focus on your "To-Do" list. You'll see how many things you haven't done, and possibly even wonder why. The more you ponder upon it, the answer should become clear. . . You weren't motivated!

So now, a new task is added to your list, GET MOTIVATED! But first, you need to know how to find your motivation. Do a little research on Self-Motivation; you'll be surprised at the amount of things you can do to accomplish this task.

If you've done the research, then hopefully, you've decided to create the well-talked about, "Vision Board". At first, you may think. . . "How is this going to help me?" Or, you may not believe it will work. Despite your doubts; continue cutting, pasting, and finding things from your To-Do list. Decorate your vision board to include all the experiences you want to accomplish, and hang it on the wall over your desk or bed, or wherever works best for you. Every morning, you'll be reminded of your goals.

While researching, if you don't come across it, look up the name, Lisa Nichols, she's a Motivational Speaker and Life Coach extraordinaire. She's the author of 6 motivational books, but one of her most encouraging is entitled, "No Matter What". This book is guaranteed to help you accomplish many of the things you want to do. It may also help you realize that, all your sluggishness and tiredness, is actually a result of stress and anxiety of what you WANTED to do. Feeling accomplished, now you'll no longer feel drained and sluggish.

Life is all about happiness, and learning how to get it. Self-motivation is key in obtaining happiness, healthiness, and accomplishments. Aren’t you worthy of motivating yourself? Trust me, it's the best feeling in the world!

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