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Welfare = Laziness?

Has anyone ever thought about the possibility that the government gives state assistance to people to keep them at a certain point? Some of you may be thinking that this is just a conspiracy theory. Before we begin, please understand, everyone this article refers to, does not solely depend on the system. But let’s look at two different examples.

EX. 1: "Abusers of the System"

First, let’s look at Jamie. She has 3 children and lives alone. She works for McDonald’s now, but has to constantly switch jobs to keep her welfare benefits. Her benefits include; food stamps, Section 8, Welfare, Child Support, and an ADD disability check for each child.

EX. 2: "User of True Intentions"

Then, there’s Tracy, a recent college graduate and mother of 2, who just started a new job at a local bank. She recently went through a divorce, so her finances and income are limited. She applied for welfare assistance for six months to allow herself time to get back on her feet. Tracy was denied assistance under the grounds, "made too much” , despite proving her debt exceeded her income.

Why is it Jamie can receive all of these benefits for over 10 years, but Tracy can’t get temporary assistance for a few months? The reason is; Jamie abuses the system, and keeps herself in position to continue receiving benefits. The worst thing about Jamie is; she's become lazy and comfortable with this position, and simply chooses not to do for self.

However, not all welfare recipients are lazy. Some recipients achieve more while receiving assistance, and don't mind being losing their eligibility status. Unfortunately, there seems to be an increase in "Jamies", who intetionally remain recipients to avoid regular or full time employment.. So how can this system be changed?

Perhaps a new income bracket could be implemented for responsible recipients like Tracy, who generally earn a little more, but just fell upon an unexpected hardship. However, because they're more responsible, and most likely to use to system as it was truly intended, their eligibility would have a shorter time frame. In the event that they've reached their eligibility deadline, but require more time, they may file for an extension ranging between 30 and 90 days. Everyone goes through struggles in life, and if there's a way to help, then it should happen. A word of caution to all the "Jamies" - Eventually the well runs dry. . . Then what are you going to do?

Creator Unk. Title Unk. Dec. 23, 2015

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