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Artist/Creator Unk. Recycle Bin. Dec. 23, 2015

On most of our desktops, we have icons that probably need to go to the recycle bin. Either we’re not using them and they just keep getting in the way or for some odd reason, we just don’t want to let them go. Just like these space-eating icons, we have people in our lives that we consider “friends” who are really nothing more than space-eaters.

Friends, whether personal or acquaintances, can remain permanently or be sent to the recycle bin to be deleted forever. The one true fact about friendships is that they are not all equal. So what do you do?

Basically, there are two kinds of friends:

  • Positive Friends

  • Negative Friends

Positive friends are healthy for your soul and spirit. They keep you upbeat, fresh and allow you to open up and just be you! Positive friends are there with you on their own accord. They celebrate life with you and cry with you in your time of need. It’s like having a breath of fresh air just when you need it!

Negative friends tend to weigh you down. There’s nothing like putting your gear into drive. . . and not going anywhere. Dead-weight holds you back in any relationship. Negative friends make you feel like you’re suffering from a bad disease or infection. They drain you and deplete all of your energy. In fact, they actually gain their energy from your stress and frustrations including your loss of happiness.

The ultimate problem with “friends” is learning to weed out the good ones from the bad ones. Often times, we truly know deep down inside which friends are true and which ones are merely just leeches. Never invest your time and energy into people who are not worthy of the sacrifices you make simply to accommodate them in your life.

REMEMBER: If a friend speaks well about you, you will never have to hear it from someone else first because they will SHOW you themselves how they truly feel. Those are the keepers! Some are jealous and feel or display ill will towards you. Their true colors will still come through. Those are the “recycle bin” friends.

Click “DELETE” and let them exit your memory forever!

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