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7 Tips For Writing A Blog Post

Photographer Unknown. Business Morning. Dec. 3, 2015

The best writers and bloggers know how to adapt. They adapt based on what they are writing about, who they are writing for, and which medium they are writing in. That’s why writing a blog post or more generally, writing for the web, has its own set of challenges. Content is key but how you adapt that content is king.

Use Short Paragraphs The academic essays you wrote may have consisted of paragraphs that took up an entire page. On the other hand, some newspapers articles have a paragraph that’s only one sentence long. No matter what you are writing, whether it is a research paper or a blog post, one paragraph shouldn’t hold ten different ideas. So break up your article into paragraphs that contain one or two ideas. Be Concise The Web isn’t a place to be wordy. People can easily click away if you are wasting their time because you’re repeating yourself, or worse, not giving them value. Try to craft each sentence so your readers will want to keep reading. Consider The Relevance Events and news gets dated quickly in the digital information age where individuals can get minute by minute updates. Seconds even. If you can, write about what matters when it matters. Establish Credibility How? By building trust. Think about what your readers want and then give it to them. Be generous but honest when giving advice.

Understand Your Audience What do they want? What are their goals? Also, worth noting is most individuals won’t read every word of every post. Readability Matters While writing, write in a way that is easy to understand. This also reduces ambiguity. Then when you move on to formatting and preparing your article for publication, ensure the font of your text is easy to read. Have Fun! If you aren’t having fun, you can bet your readers won’t either. Remember to enjoy the process of writing. Everything else is secondary.


This article was written by one of S.U.M's Guest Writers, Herminia Chow. We are very proud and excited to have Herminia contribute to our efforts. She's a well-versed writer, that you will truly enjoy.

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