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Unknown photographer. Unknown title. Dec. 2, 2015

We are gathered here today to serve notice to the people that are "playing church." The folks that meet and greet you at the door; shake your hand give a warm, church-like hug and say... “We welcome you”, then, make you feel everything but welcomed. We are here to notify the people that say they’re praying for us, but they're the haters gossiping about our lives. And let us not forget the pastor; who only has time for his “flock”. This is not a means in which to discredit any church, faith, or religion; this is just a notice to the “churchified”, from those of us who are actually striving for a better spiritual and/or religious life -- We see you.

There are pastors abusing the "offerings" of their financially and economically struggling congregations to satisfy personal gain. There are television shows mocking the religion of others. Regardless of what religious background you are, no religion takes their God for a game. Women are wearing less and less clothes to church; the dress they wore to the club on Saturday; they're wearing it to church on Sunday now. And because no one likes to be scolded or accepts constructive criticism, the pastors and first ladies are not speaking about the proper attire for church. Most people interpret the bible in their own understanding... “Come as you are”, so I’m coming dressed like I am. The correct interpretation of that scripture means... Come with your problems or whatever burdens you carry... Not come dressed as a freak or some nasty stripper.

Unknown creator. Unknown title. Dec. 2, 2015

I remember visiting a church and everyone was dressed holy; singing beautifully, and speaking in a peaceful tone of voice. There was a sweet and humbled spirit during the service, the preacher's word was just for me... I cried because I felt like this was the place for me to fellowship regularly. Once I had been with the church for a while, I began to notice some things were not right; the people were not friendly like before, and there were church "cliques", and if I associated myself with someone that another person doesn’t like then, that person suddenly doesn’t like me either. I began to uniform myself as a person who just didn’t want to be at church anymore. I thought about the emotion I was feeling and I said... "This isn’t the way Godly people are supposed to behave." God is love, right? Well, why isn’t the modern day church love?

Not saying that all churches are the same, but this asinine behavior is seemingly becoming more and more evident in churches today. Money, members and reaction is becoming a motto that a lot of pastors are living by. Being "churchified" is a trend now, the look, the walk, the talk, and the way you dress, and who's closer to the pastors’ circle. So my question is...

Since church is like a promoted concert, which concert have you been attending, and can’t understand why you're still going? Is it faithfulness? Do you like the image? Or, are you just happy to be in somebody’s church?

God bless.

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