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Little Men & Women

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Can a man raise a young girl to be a woman? Can a woman raise a young boy to be a man? If you ask people in society you will receive missed answers. Now one thing I will not do is take away from any single parent because I am one myself. But at some point in my days of parenting, I realized that I cannot teach my son EVERYTHING. There are just some things that a boy must learn from seeing or being around a man. And there are some things that a girl must learn from seeing or being around a woman.

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Several people have said things like “oh, she has daddy issues” or “he has mommy issues” and this is very true for some people. Some people grow up and have issues with commitment, self-esteem, respect for authority, and other things all because they lacked one or more parents. And this does not mean that everyone should be in a relationship either. This just means that every child should have at least one positive male figure in their life and one positive female figure in their life.

At some point in a child’s life, they will have questions for their parents and/or role model. Young girls are going to look to a female for advice on boys, hygiene, and puberty. Young boys are going to look to a male for advice on girls, how to treat them, puberty, and emotions. So to answer the initial questions, yes to a certain extent.

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I am confident that I can raise my son and tell him how women should be treated and I can even let him know over and over that I am open to talk about any and everything. He is only 6 and I have issues now because he wants to play sports and I offer to play with him but he does not want me. He wants that male figure. And it makes him sad when he cannot get it. I can only do so much which is why I say to a certain extent because the more he gets sad from feeling let down not being able to play sports it will begin to affect his emotions.

If you are alone out there raising a young boy or young girl, keep up the good work and keep praying for strength. And cover your children daily! It will take a lot of extra work but we can do it!

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