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POETRY: This Is How I Feel

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You may look at me and say that I am old,

Well that's because my young eyes have seen things that make me realize,

The non-compromise, and despise in this nation's trophy prize of hate,

Now don't get me wrong,

I appreciate section 8, welfare, food stamps, and any almost free thing to assist me,

So I don't have to pay,

But I pay my dues,

Like any other former slave or elderly person had to do,

And let's not talk about minority,

Minority doesn't mean, number but type,

So the minority is the majority when you do the census bureau, right?


I have these unchained melodies that are inside my heart,

They get past the bridge, then just go back to start,

So it makes me afraid to have my babies in this world,

Because they'll kill my sons and rape my little girls,

Lord, help me with these songs of being free,

Recognizing the justice system will choke our innocent husbands down to their knees,

They're dead!

What better instigation to spray,

Then to watch and contribute to the death of a race everyday,

No help, no peace, no justice, no sleep, no real preacher that knows how to preach,

And they gradually take away amendments like freedom of speech,

Give our kids standardized test that are more than a struggle to reach. . .

And it's hard to imagine any day can be a good day,

Because reality snaps back like a fitted cap,

With a bullet headed your way,

United by the states, segregated by mentality and race,

Over populated by ignorance,

And the Hippocratic Oath only holds up if you have insurance,

What an abundance of misfortune for the majority,

Whom they call the minority,

All the lives matter,

No one should be last or be considered the least,

Every living person should be treated as a priority,

We're not even given the same opportunities,

With all the loopholes and red tape in each community,

The government would rather wrap you in yellow tape and say,

We're the menace to society!?

Correct me if I'm wrong, and if what I'm speaking isn't real,

But when I look at the way things are going. . .

This is the way I feel

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